The models

All models and photos presented on the site are the property of Label Art.

About the company

2 boulevard beauvallet
45300 - Pithiviers (France)
Tel : +33 6 78 20 04 35
Mail : contact[@]

Head office

Label Art
Villa n°3 Lotissement Bel Air
97280 - Le Vauclin (France)

Siren : 402876619
Code ape : 205A
Site :

Host: OVH SAS 2 rue Kellermann BP80157 - 59053 Roubaix Cedex1
ERP Synchronization: https: //

About the website

The website is registered with the CNIL under number 1215215

Payments made by credit card are secured by the CIC: all information provided by the customer is entirely managed by the bank, and no data (card number/validity date/code) is transmitted via Label Art.

When paying with a PayPal account, certain information is transmitted to the PayPal partner organization. In this respect, and with the exception of transactions on its own behalf, PayPal will not distribute and/or market this personal information.

In accordance with the law "Informatique et Liberté" of January 6, 1978 you have, at any time, a right of opposition, access and rectification of all your personal data by writing by mail and proving your identity to :

PAYPAL - 21 Rue de la Banque - 75002 PARIS

Data confidentiality

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data.

Through us, you may receive proposals from other companies or organizations, or be informed of our offers by e-mail, telephone or post.

If you do not wish to receive such information, simply contact us (indicating your surname, first name, address and customer number):
- by post at :

Label Art
2 boulevard beauvallet
45300 - Pithiviers (France)


The user is solely responsible for use of the information accessible via this site. SAS CADRAZUR reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time, in particular by updating this site.

Hypertext links

Sites external to the Label-art site which have a hypertext link with the present site are not under the control of the company CADRAZUR, which consequently declines all responsibility for their content. The user is solely responsible for their use. The creation of hypertext links to the website is subject to the prior agreement of CADRAZUR. For any request, you can send a message via the site and its contact form.

Validity of commercial offers

Information on product availability on the website is constantly updated.

The availability announced on each product sheet is effective at the time of your connection to our server. Only products listed as "in stock" are physically available for sale in our workshop at the time of your connection; other products may be available from our suppliers within the time indicated on the site.

Our product offers and prices are only valid at the time of your connection: Label Art reserves the right to modify them at any time, without notice and in real time. A refresh of your consultation page will immediately update this information.


SAS CADRAZUR has opened this site for the personal information of its users. No commercial use, even partial, of the data presented on this site may be made without the prior written consent of SAS CADRAZUR. The presentation and content of this site together constitute a work protected by current intellectual property laws, of which CADRAZUR is the owner. It may not be reproduced and/or represented, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CADRAZUR. Unless otherwise indicated, the names Label-art, the names of the products in its range and the slogans are registered trademarks of SAS CADRAZUR. Any reproduction, use and/or modification made without the prior written consent of CADRAZUR may constitute an infringement. The drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with or without sound, and other documentation represented on this website are subject to industrial and/or intellectual property rights, and are, as the case may be, the property of SAS CADRAZUR or of third parties who have given SAS CADRAZUR limited authorization to use them. As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or transformation, whether partial or complete, or transfer to another site, is prohibited. Copying for private use is authorized. Reproduction in whole or in part without the prior written consent of SAS CADRAZUR is strictly forbidden, with the exception of reproduction for press purposes. The information contained in this site is not contractually binding on SAS CADRAZUR.

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