American wooden crate 90x90cm

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Reference: CAD67802Z90-90

American Wooden Case 90x90cm: A magical case for your enchanted works of art


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Imagine your artistic creations transported to a fairytale world, where the beauty of Ayous wood blends with the magic of imagination. The 90x90cm Wooden American Crate is an exceptional case that will transform your paintings, drawings, photographs or objets d'art into enchanted treasures.

A showcase of light and nature

Ayous wood, with its warm tones and unique veins, gives the Caisse américaine Bois 90x90cm a natural, precious dimension. Each grain tells a story, inviting your imagination to escape into a world of fairy tales.

An ingenious framing system for an enchanting setting

Far from being a simple frame, the Caisse américaine Bois 90x90cm subtly elevates your creation, creating a striking effect of depth and drawing attention to its enchanting beauty. The space thus created between the work and the wall highlights the details and colors of your creation, giving it an extra dimension and revealing all its expressive richness.

Quick and easy installation for instant transformation

Hang your Caisse américaine Bois 90x90cm on the wall in the blink of an eye, thanks to its ingenious hanging system. Transform your home into an enchanted castle in an instant!

A generous format for large-format works of art

The 90x90cm Wooden American Crate is perfect for showcasing your large-format paintings, drawings, photographs or objets d'art. Its generous size accommodates a wide variety of creations, while preserving sufficient space for your work to breathe and unfold all its magic.

Customize your American Crate and let your imagination run wild

Choose the finish that best suits your style and decoration: satin varnish, natural stain or untreated wood. You can also paint or engrave motifs on the wood for a unique and magical touch. Imagine fairies, dragons, enchanted castles... Let your imagination be your guide!

An ideal gift for fairy-loving souls

The 90x90cm Wooden American Crate is an ideal gift for artists, art lovers and fairy-tale decorators. Give your loved ones an exceptional showcase for their creations or precious objects, and plunge them into a world of magic and enchantment.

Order your 90x90cm Wooden American Crate today and give your works of art the fairytale scene they deserve!

Additional information:

  • Wood type: Ayous
  • Origin: French manufacture
  • Finishes: rough, satin varnish, stained (on request)
  • Dimensions: 90x90cm (other custom sizes available)
  • Option : Wall mountings sold separately

Tournettes are available on our website: TOURNETTES

Note: Scratch marks may appear during assembly, due to the softness of the wood and ensuring solid assembly. Please contact us if you are concerned about these marks.


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