Tangram Natural Frame

LABEL ART offers you its range of natural Tangram frames to sublimate your works of art with elegance and sobriety. Part of the American box family, this type of frame has built its reputation on its clean, designer lines. Its natural hue adapts to different types of artwork, especially contemporary ones. This type of frame does not cover the stretcher frame, allowing the edge of the canvas or its seeds to be delicately revealed. Popular with artists and gallery owners, Tangram natural frames are also ideal for contemporary design interiors. They subtly highlight the depth of your work, as well as the power of your theme.

Our Tangram natural frames boast high quality and sturdiness. They're also impeccably finished, and their natural hue is a perfect match. Available in more than fifteen different formats, American frames enhance both your photos and canvases. Generally speaking, our Tangram frames are ideal for medium and large-format canvases. You can keep them as they are, but you can also paint them to personalize them to your taste.

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